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Buy Food in Puerto Natales for your hike in Torres del Paine

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Puerto Natales is a wonderful starting point for a multi-day hike in the Torres del Paine National Park. In this small town you get everything you need for eating for a multi-day hike. Even equipment you can borrow in almost every  hostel, or purchase it in one of the many outdoor stores. However, you should set up the tent of you Rent one and test everything exactly. Friends of ours found out in the Torres del Paine, that the zipper of the tent door is not working.

We can recommend the daily talk in the Pub of the Erratic Rock Hostel. They have many useful information about the hike in Torres del Paine National Park.

But now to the actual topic of this article:

What can you buy for food in Puerto Natales for a hike in the Torres del Paine National Park?

We have shopped our meals in local supermarkets. The large Unimarc we have left aside because it is crammed to the roof with Nestle products. We hope that our method of purchasing supports more the locals.

Purchased we have our stuff in Don Bosco supermarket in „Manuel Baquedano“ street in the center and not far away from the Unimarc. We bought rice, pasta and couscous incl. Various sauces / soups. This should be our dinner. For breakfast we bought oatmeal. Also the supermarket in the „Arturo Prat“ street has a good selection. It lies not far from Frutos Secos.

Puerto Natales Frutos Secos
Leckere Trockenfrüchte

As snacks for in between and in our oatmeal and our couscouswe bought nuts and dried fruits. For this we headed to „Frutos Secos“ in the „Esmeralda“ road. This small but beautiful shop is pretty much at the end of this road on the left when you walk from the center toward the harbor. The small shop offers an incredible variety of nuts and dried fruits. If it be absolutely necessary to also get freeze-dried Trekking Food in Puerto Natales. This is offered in different shops or hostels incl. a heatpack. Who knows „Backpackers Pantry“ will find this in the outdoor shop at the intersection in front of Unimarc. The Trekking Food is understandably quite expensive.

We found for our trek in Torres del Paine National Park everything we needed to eat in Puerto Natales. We lacked nothing. In Torres del Paine National Park itself, there are many Refugio, which prepare food (for this it is necessary that you reserve/order in advance) and they also sell sweets in the form of Snickers bars (2000 CLP) or packets of biscuits (1500 CLP) and cakes (3000 CLP). Also there is often to buy pasta and sauces packet.

Verfolgen Thomas:

Die Natur hat mich schon immer interessiert. Unabhängig vom Alter verbrachte ich gerne Zeit draußen. Dies hat sich bis heute noch gesteigert denn ich übernachte gerne im Zelt in der Wildnis und versuche die Schönheit der Natur mit der Kamera einzufangen.

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